From the mid-18th century, chocolate began to transform from liquid to solid. Gradually, it became popular among all social classes, not just the wealthy, who had enjoyed it until then.


1720: Cocoa is classified botanically.

The name given to it is Theobroma cacao (theos, which comes from Greek and means god, and broma, also from Greek, meaning food; and cacao, which comes from the Aztec language and is the name of the seed of the cocoa tree).

1728: Joseph Storrs Fry solidifies chocolate for the first time. His invention was a mill that managed to produce a solid chocolate mass.

1777: Mr. Fernández creates the first mechanized chocolate factory in Barcelona.

1778: Doret invents a machine to grind cocoa paste and incorporate sugar.

1847: For the first time, chocolate bars are marketed in England.


POWDERED: 100% cocoa or sweetened cocoa powder, to mix with liquids.

SOLID: solidified chocolate. The most common format is the chocolate bar. Chocolate solidifies thanks to the fatty part of the cocoa.

LIQUID: there are forms of liquid chocolate. Its composition can vary and may contain more or less water, milk, cream… It can also contain more or less sugar and/or a higher or lower amount of cocoa.