We present a basic and practical dessert, ideal for surprising guests, with fruit, very healthy, accompanied by the sweet touch of chocolate. It is an easy dessert and very suitable for making with the little ones at home.

Difficulty level: 3/10
Preparation time: 20 min

Ingredients for 4 people:
350 g of chocolate (dark, milk, or white)
50 g of chocolate (different from the previous one)
500 g of strawberries

1. Melt both chocolates and temper them.
2. Skewer the strawberries on sticks and dip the part you want covered in chocolate. As the strawberry will be cold, the chocolate will crystallize quickly. With the help of a spoon, make some lines with the other chocolate to give it a more creative touch.

You can use any other fruit.
You can also prepare a sweet table with different fruits dipped in chocolate.